:: raced against time... but i lost ::

time for me

markie. piscean. spaghetti addict. anime freak. gibberish writer. obsessive compulsive. music-driven. melancholic poet. unrequited romantic. professional bum. yakult baby. crash test dummy. ice_wolf.


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music of chronos

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- stonefree -

glide to the past

06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007

Thursday, June 24, 2004

of school stuffs and sicknesses

at last, i found time to write a blog entry. school things have been buzzing around my head and the play on weather was not being received very well by my person.

oh well, now i'm back to unleash my unadulterated adventures of monotony.

dawn of the dead plot

my girl bestfriend and i met during this weekend and decided to watch a remake of an old movie entitled dawn of the dead.

on my part, i was dragged in by hook to this flick because of the uber-long trailer. it's more like a good chunk of excerpt from the movie and it fed me with the desire to watch the movie altogether.

if like me, you're after a meaty plot or juicy storyline, please reserve your moolah for other flicks for you'll be flat-out disappointed with this one.

what is it about? it just goes by a linear premise: all but a handful of "normal" weirdos have turned into zombies and you have to get the hell out to survive. didn't need to use too much gray matter cells to understand that, huh?

the main feeling i got from this flick was frustration. you watch from beginning to end and afterwards, you're still as dumbfounded as you were the time when your curiosity was first roused by this movie's preview. it's like walking in the middle of a movie and walking out a few minutes earlier to attend to something important---and you might have better off done that in this movie.

this is the kind of flick where you want to bang the moronic characters' heads on the cold steel of the moviehouse seat beside you. my friend and i ended up cursing and screaming directions to hold off the characters' imminent deaths. no, we didn't feel for them nor did we get even a shrapnel of concern for the people in the silverscreen (the character development is as efficient as fpj would have been if he were president), we just wanted to make less the cliche of death by stupidity.

the only iota of consolation you may siphon out of this is the innovative and fresh direction. this movie gives the vibe of a sex-addicted rockstar's gothic music video. the camera shots of the throng of zombies lunging on civilians was presented like a documentary footage. did i hear anyone say the blair witch project?

do i recommend this movie? though i admit that i was actually entertained with the gore and the effective comic moments, i would have rather watched a fourth repeat of the third harry potter movie.

when harry met markie.... thrice!

the third installment to the harry potter movies was very much different from the first two ones, as far as the atmosphere or the overall feel is concerned. the new director, alfonso cuaron, made known the fact that this was no longer a chris colombus movie.

in this film was a wetter pivet drive neighborhood, a gloomier hogwarts castle and a more ferocious whomping willow. in a nutshell, everything is darker than it was before. the previous movies were luxurious with rich colors while this one was very london---wet and dark. all the things that looked american then, now had been polished authentic with the damp, apathetic texture that is british.

it wasn't only the "feel" that changed, most of the breath-taking sets took a major overhaul and drastic relocationing. that is both good and bad---it's a mixed reaction, really, with the majority of non-purist (people who knew harry potter as the film only) disliking the change.

as for me, it was just ok but it does take a little getting used to. the castle looked smaller. it used to look like a gargantuan fortress standing haughtily but now it looked... economy-sized (for lack of a word i find fit). when before, the entirety of hogwarts where the castle stood was a plain, cuaron turned it into a sloping hill, with the school perched on top like a keen owl eyeing prey. even the leaky cauldron seemed to lack the horizontal spaciousness it needed. likewise, the placement of hagrid's shack, the whomping willow and the forest area, among others, took a small geographical alteration.

the story was so fast-paced that the people who were just patrons of the movie versions, took a hard time comprehending the story. things just happened so swiftly that it seemed episode frames were in hurry of suceeding the one before it. cuaron cut to the chase and tried to fit the thick book in hundreds of minutes of film and though it was unavoidable to pull out a few scenes, he did fine.

i liked this recent harry potter movie (heck, i watched it thrice) but i wonder how colombus would have done this one. hmm... that might say something.

forgettable much?

a few days ago, after i did my personal movie fest, i went home and got the sudden urge to check my friendster. i was tired and i wanted to do something relaxing. well, i aimed for "relaxing" but i ended up with "depressing".

i have lots of highschool and college friends, i'm affiliated with large circles but i realized that not a lot of them remember me. i can count with my fingers the ones who keep me somewhere in their memory.

am i that easy to forget?

i have always been into thinking that i'm as important to them as they are to me. as with how romance works in my life, friendships seem to take that similar path as well.

oh well, at least the ones i have in my life to this day are the ones most worth-keeping... and that is a fact i would never forget.

bottled monologues - series 3

it was like a dream, when i heard your voice on the other line.

it took me a few seconds before it registered in my head that it was you. for quite some time, i imagined that one day i'd hear from you because i missed your voice... i missed you.

it seemed like ages when i heard you laugh, when i heard you react to my sarcasm, when i heard you speak my name.

i tried hard to not be so transparent, tried not to show too much emotions because i feared that you didn't miss me as much as i missed you. that would be as painful as rejection to me.

much has happened to your life during that short time that stretched on forever. during our talk, i thought for a while that everything was back to what it was. i was able to convince myself that nothing changed... but i was born with the knack of questioning things whenever i got too comfortable with them. the truth is, much has changed between the two of us.

i'm no longer the one closest to you. i'm not even sure that you still have the label of "bestfriend" written below my name. i don't know if you still include me as one of the people you'd think of first when it matters.

this is how things are and i am powerless. all i can do now is be happy and thank you that every once in a while you still remember me... though i'm no longer lodged in that place somewhere that i used to have.

time stamped at 4:23:00 PM

Saturday, June 05, 2004

weather you like it or not

i've been having on and off breaks of fever because of the fickle-minded weather we're being treated to.

just last night, i took a long 45-minute warm bath only to wake up this morning with a chill. good thing i bought a lot of biogesic tablets to relieve me of the icy feel. (hey, that rhymed!)

aha! i can now use my thick-fabric pajamas! goody!

i appreciate my nine-year-old niece being around me. she checks up on me every once in a while to cater to her sickly uncle's needs. i have to reward her with a couple of pesos to buy her favorite isaw and dugo from our trusted vendor.

geesh, time flies by so fast. we're in the middle of the year already. in just a few months it will be december once again.

stash the supplies

we have a vault of merienda stuff at home that we filled to the brim the other day. it has an assortment of cookies, crackers, cereals, noodles, pasta, junk munchies and powdered refreshments. in short, we have a solution to starvation and a nightmare to dieticians.

it's convenient, really. instead of socializing with the grumpy menopausal lady in the nearby variety store, one can just walk over and pick anything. in fact, it gets too easy that you get fat before you can even say "obese".

time stamped at 11:57:00 AM

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